Adverbial Clauses – Transitions of Result


Subordinating Conjunctions of Result

so …. that
 It is because SVO (Cause) that

such …. that
 It is because of Noun* (Cause) that

Bu bağlaçların ardından cümle (SVO) gelir ve cümleler sonuç bildirirler. Bu durumda bulundukları zarf cümlesi daima sebep bildirir.

* Noun olarak Pronoun veya Ving kullanılabilir.

Adverbial Clauses – Transitions of Result (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 1 sv20993 521509290

She was so succesful that her father decided to send her abroad.

Such satisfactory are the results that we don’t have to revise the subject.

So ..... that / Such ..... that

Bağlı iki cümlecik arasında neden-sonuç ilişkisi kuran bu yapıların ardından gelen cümle sonuçtur.

so + adj / adv + that + SVO

so + adj / adv + a/an + noun + that + SVO

so + much / many / little / few + noun + that + SVO

such + a/an + (adj) + singular noun + that + SVO

such + (adj) + non-count / plural noun + that + SVO

such + a lot of / a few / a little + noun + that + SVO

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The little girl is so cute that everyone likes her.

She is so cute a girl that everyone likes her.

She is such a cute girl that everyone likes her.

It is such terrible weather that I will stay at home.

SO ..... THAT / SUCH ..... THAT

Bu iki yapı cümle başında bulunduğunda cümleyi devrik kurmak gerekir.

So + adj / adv + Aux + Subject + that + SVO

Such + Aux + Subject + that + SVO

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The wind was so strong that we couldn’t open the window.

So strong was the wind that we couldn’t open the window.

The wind was such that we couldn’t open the window.

Such was the wind that we couldn’t open the window.


Bağlacın içinde kullanılan zarf cümlesi veya diğer yapılar sebep bildirirken “that” sonrasında gelen yan cümle daima sonuç bildirir. Ana fiil yapının içinde bulunmaktadır.

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It is because they have discovered a new life-form that the scientists are going to hold a press conference soon.

It is because of the discovery of a new life-form that the scientists are going to hold a press conference soon.

Transitions of Result

as a result
as a consequence
for this reason
that’s why

İki bağımsız cümleyi bağlayan bu geçiş zarflarının ardından cümle (SVO) gelir ve ardından gelen cümleler sonuç bildirirler. Önceki cümleler ise daima sebep bildirir.

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She was quite succesful; that’s why, her father decided to send her abroad.

The results are satisfactory. Hence, we don’t have to revise the subject.

Transitions oldukları için cümle yapısı sabittir. Cümle başında kullanılınca anlamları cümle dışına taşar ve bir önceki cümleyle ilişkilendirilir.

Öncesinde nokta veya noktalı virgül, sonra ise virgül kullanılmalıdır.

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Deforestation has dramatically increased in the last 10 years. As a result, several projects provide incentives for forest preservation.

Birds have bred for the summer; thus, most are molting (getting new feathers) at this time.

*Therefore cümle içinde özneden sonra veya cümle sonunda da kullanılabilir.

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They hated one another. They, therefore, got divorced.

They hated one another. They got divorced, therefore.

**Thereby ve thus sonrasında SVO olduğu gibi Ving de kullanılabilir.

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The lowering of stress levels helps to lower stress and anxiety; thus, it helps mothers get better sleep.

The lowering of stress levels helps to lower stress and anxiety, thus helping mothers get better sleep.

Prepositional Phrases of Result

Sebep bildiren Transition olmadığı gibi sonuç bildiren Prepositional Phrase bulunmamaktadır.

Bütün Prepositional Phraselerden sonra gelen yapılar sebep bildirmektedir.

Connectors of Result

Coordinating Conjunction

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You helped me (,) so I could finish.

Subordinating Conjunction

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It is because you helped me that I could finish.

Transition Adverb

Adverbial Clauses – Transitions of Result (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

You helped me. Accordingly, I could finish.

You helped me; accordingly, I could finish.

Prepositional Phrases


Cepte İngilize Yazarı

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