Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating Conjunctions
Genel Kurallar
FANBOYS olarak bilinen bu bağlaçlar aynı türden kelimeleri veya bağımsız cümleleri bağlarlar. Genellikle öncelerinde virgül kullanılmasına rağmen virgül kullanımı şart değildir. Yerleri sabittir, değişmez.
Coordinating Conjunctions
Benzer iki aynı tür kelimeleri veya bağımsız cümleleri bağlar.
Men and women are basically alike when it comes to personality, thinking ability and leadership.
The new buildings, which are beautiful and nice, are much more expensive.
He is the glue that keeps the workers working diligently and efficiently.
£8,000 was enough to travel for 5 months before heading to Australia, where I worked and travelled.
His knowledge is incredible, and he has gone way beyond what we were expecting.
(Independent Clauses)
İlk cümle emir kipi ile kurulmuşsa ikinci cümle genelde tehdit içerir. Restatement ifadelerinde If Clause Type 1 ile görmek mümkündür.
Touch my cake and I will kill you.
(If you touch my cake, I will kill you.)
Coordinating Conjunctions
Zıt iki aynı tür kelimeleri veya bağımsız cümleleri bağlarlar.
If a person is successful yet unhappy, he won’t be content with any good thing.
The old building, which was built quickly but strongly, still stands.
Scientists have discovered some treatments that have tried but failed to treat MS.
Theldurin was once a member of the Twilight’s Hammer, yet he lost his mind and scorned their teachings.
(Independent Clauses)
İki ismin arasında but / yet kullanımı yaygın değildir.
Fakat not + Noun + but + Noun kullanımı mevcuttur.
A character who is against the cultural values is usually not a hero but a villain.
All, every, any , no, none ile birlikte kullanılırsa cümleye “except for” anlamı katar. Restatement sorularında sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır.
Everyone but Merve went to the play.
Only Merve didn’t go to the play.
Nobody but Merve went to the play.
Only Merve went to the play.
You can come any day but Monday.
You can’t come only on Monday.
Coordinating Conjunctions
Yoksa, veya anlamında aynı tür kelimeleri veya bağımsız cümleleri bağlar.
It is found that competent teachers generally prefer city or town schools.
People who spend a lot of time outdoors in sunny or windy environments are more likely to have eye-related diseases.
Would you choose to die or get a chance to survive in a tough place where others fight for their lives ?
This questionnaire can be downloaded and completed by hand, or you can complete it on your computer and save it.
(Independent Clauses)
Genellikle tavsiye ve emir cümlelerinde “aksi takdirde” (otherwise) anlamı taşıyabilir.
Don’t touch my cake or I will kill you.
Touch my cake and I will kill you.
(If you touch my cake, I will kill you.)
Coordinating Conjunctions
Genellikle “Ne …… ne” olarak çevirisi yapılan Nor bağlacının kullanılması için ilk bağımsız cümlenin olumsuz ikinci bağımsız cümlenin ise devrik olması gerekir.
I would not vote for him nor her.
She was not lovely nor pretty.
Those developments didn’t happen by accident, nor did they happen overnight.
(Independent Clauses)
Coordinating Conjunctions
İlk bağımsız cümle neden bildirir, ikinci bağımsız cümlenin ise sonuç olması gerekir.
A real family man, Steve and his wife didn’t like being so far from their grandchildren back in the UK, so they decided to move back to England.
(Independent Clauses)
It’s not easy to scan a baby brain, so scientists used a kind of scanner that lets the infants wiggle at will.
(Independent Clause)
Coordinating Conjunctions
İlk bağımsız cümle sonuç bildirir, ikinci bağımsız cümle ise neden olması gerekir. Because ile aynı gibi gözükse de teknik açıdan aralarında çok fark vardır. Bunlardan en önemlisi olarak for cümle başında kullanılmaz.
Recycling of plastic has gained a lot of popularity, for global warming has increased recently.
(Independent Clauses)
Recycling of plastic has gained a lot of popularity because global warming has increased recently.
(Independent Clause + Dependent)
Because global warming has increased recently, recycling of plastic has gained a lot of popularity.
(Dependent + Independent Clause)
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