Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT)


Genel Kurallar

1- Ortak öğesi olan iki ayrı cümleyi birleştiren bu cümlecikler ana cümle olarak bırakılan cümledeki ortak öğeyi tanımlayarak sıfat görevi görürler. Yan cümlenin ortak öğesi yerine Relative Pronouns / Adverbs kullanılır. Sıfatlar genellikle isimlerden önce kullanılırken, sıfat cümlecikleri isimlerden sonra kullanılır.

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 1 sv20993 521509290

I would like to try other foods. The foods are exotic.

I would like to try the foods which/that are exotic.

(Main Clause)                        (Relative Clause)

The foods which/that I would like to try are exotic.

(Main Clause)                        (Relative Clause)

I would like to try exotic foods.


2- Genellikle nitelenen ortak öğenin hemen arkasından kullanılmasına rağmen, bazı durumlarda karışıklığa yol açmamak için sıfat cümlecikleri ile niteledikleri isimler arasında zaman ve yer gibi başka yapılar bulunabilir. Böyle durumlarda bahsedilen zaman ve yer gibi yapılar hangi cümleye aitse ona göre çevirisi yapılmalıdır.

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

We saw a dog last week whose leg was broken.

(Geçen hafta, ayağı kırık bir köpek gördük.)

We saw a dog whose leg was broken last week.

(Ayağı geçen hafta kırılan bir köpek gördük.)

3- Anlamca uyum isteyen durumlar çoğunlukta olmasına rağmen ana cümle ile sıfat cümleciği arasında zaman uyumu şartı yoktur!

Ayrıca sıfat cümleciğinde tekil / çoğul fiil seçimi nitelediği öğeye göre yapılır.

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

The first mathematical algorithms, which haven’t been solved yet, were developed by Babylonians around 1600 B.C.

The first mathematical algorithm, which hasn’t been solved yet, were developed by Babylonians around 1600 B.C.

Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns / Adverbs olarak adlandırılan ve ortak öğenin yerine kullanılan “zamirler / zarflar”ın kuralları niteledikleri isme ve sıfat cümleciğindeki konumlarına göre belirlenir.

1- Relative Pronoun‘un özne pozisyonunda olduğu yan cümlede ardından fiil gelmesinden anlaşılır.

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

My brother likes this singer. She is 18 years old.

My brother likes the singer, who* is 18 years old.

( Subject Position)

Dikkat!: Relative Pronoun yan cümlede özne ise cümlede eksiltme (Omitting) yapılamaz.

2- Relative Pronoun’un nesne pozisyonunda olduğu ardından sıfat cümlesinin fiilini gerçekleştiren başka bir özne gelmesinden anlaşılır.

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

This singer is 18 years old. My brother likes her.

The singer who(m)* my brother likes is 18 years old.

( Object Position)

The singer  my brother likes is 18 years old.

( Object Position)

Dikkat!: Relative Pronoun yan cümlede nesne ise ve öncesinde virgül yoksa cümlede eksiltme (Omitting) yapılabilir ve cümleden atılabilir.

Relative Pronouns As a Subject

Relative Clause TypePeopleThings





Non-Defining , who, which


Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 6 sv20993 521509290

Who is the most famous person who / that* has been in a coma?

(Defining R.C)

Patients, who* should have started their treatment earlier, are going to be here for at least a month.

(Non-Defining R.C)

Dikkat!: Relative Pronoun yan cümlenin fiilini gerçekleştiren Özne olduğu için hiçbir koşulda atılamaz.


Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

He must have bought the camera which / that* has just been released.

(Defining R.C)

They are excited about the movie, which* will have been completed in the next month.

(Non-Defining R.C)

Dikkat!: Relative Pronoun yan cümlenin fiilini gerçekleştiren Özne olduğu için hiçbir koşulda atılamaz.

Relative Pronouns As an Object

Relative Clause TypePeopleThings





Non-Defining , who(m), which


Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

Who is the most famous person who(m) / that* you like?

(Defining R.C)

Who is the most famous person you like?

(Defining R.C – Omitting)

Patients, who(m) we should have called earlier, are going to be here for at least a month.

(Non-Defining R.C)

Dikkat!: Relative Pronoun yan cümlenin nesnesi olduğu için (yan cümlenin eylemini gerçekleştiren başka bir özne var) virgül yoksa atılabilir.


Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

He must have bought the camera which / that* he wanted to buy.

(Defining R.C)

He must have bought the camera he wanted to buy.

(Defining R.C – Omitting)

They are excited about the movie, which they will have completed in the next month.

(Non-Defining R.C)

Dikkat!: Relative Pronoun yan cümlenin nesnesi olduğu için (yan cümlenin eylemini gerçekleştiren başka bir özne var) virgül yoksa atılabilir.

Relative Pronouns Possessive Case

Relative Clause içinde aitlik barındıran bir sıfat varsa cümledeki özne / nesne görevi farketmeksizin yerine “whose / of whom / of which” kullanılır.

Bu pronounlar cümleden atılamazlar.

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

Atatürk was a World War I hero. His name means “father of the Turks”.

Atatürk, whose name means “father of the Turks”, was a World War I hero.

Relative Clause TypePeopleThings

whose + noun

noun + of whom

whose + noun

noun + of which


, whose + noun

, noun + of whom

, whose + noun

, noun + of which


Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

This paper discusses the experiences of parents whose children have complex and continuing health needs.

(Defining R.C)

Wandering is a major concern for parents, children of whom have autism.

(Non-Defining R.C)


_______ + noun = whose

noun ______ = of whom


Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

There are a lot of cars outside tyres of which are bald.

(Defining R.C)

There are a lot of cars outside, whose tyres I need to change.

(Non-Defining R.C)


_______ + noun = whose

noun ______ = of which

Prepositions & Relative Pronouns

Preposition alan bir fiilin nesnesi ortak öğeyse Preposition’ın konumuna göre Relative Pronoun‘un kullanımı değişiklik gösterir.

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

They generally let me choose a station. We listen to it.

They generally let me choose the station to which we listen.

They generally let me choose the station (which / that) we listen to.

Dikkat!: Preposition Relative Pronounlardan önce ise Relative Pronoun cümleden asla atılamaz!

Sonra ise sadece Virgül yoksa atılabilir!

Prepositions & Defining Relative Clauses

Relative Clause TypePeopleThings
Relative Pronoun + Preposition





Preposition + Relative Pronoun



People / Defining Relative Clause

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

Please invite the people (who / whom / that) you are working with.

(Before Preposition / Omitting / That)

Please invite the people with whom you are working.

(After Preposition / No Omitting / No that)

Dikkat!: Defining Relative Clause kullanılırken Relative Pronoun Prepositiondan önceyse cümleden atılabilir / that kullanılabilir.

Things / Defining Relative Clause

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

I need a software (which / that) I can monitor my students’ progress by.

(Before Preposition/ Omitting / That)

I need a software by which I can monitor my students’ progress.

(After Preposition / No Omitting / No That)

Dikkat!: Preposition, Relative Pronoun’dan önceyse asla atılamaz!

Prepositions & Non-Defining Relative Clauses

Relative Clause TypePeopleThings
Relative Pronoun + Preposition

, who(m)

, which

Preposition + Relative Pronoun

, whom

, which

People / Non-Defining Relative Clause

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

These are my friends, who / whom I am working with.

(Before Preposition)

These are my friends, with whom I am working.

(After Preposition)

Dikkat!: Non-Defining Relative Clause kullanılırken (Yani virgül varsa) hiçbir koşulda that kullanılmaz, Omitting yapılmaz!

Things / Non-Defining Relative Clause

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

He sold his bicycle, which he won the Paris-Rouen race on in November 1869.

(Before Preposition)

He sold his bicycle, on which he won the Paris-Rouen race in November 1869.

(After Preposition)

Dikkat!: Non-Defining Relative Clause kullanılırken (Yani virgül varsa) hiçbir koşulda that kullanılmaz, Omitting yapılmaz!

Prepositions & Possessive Relative Pronouns

Relative Clause TypeDefiningNon-Defining
whose + Preposition


, whose

Preposition + whose


, whose


Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

The boy, whose office this computer belongs to, is from Ireland.

(Before Preposition)

The boy, to whose office this computer belongs, is from Ireland.

(After Preposition)

Dikkat!: Aitlik kullanılan yan cümlede Relative Clause türü farketmeksizin hiçbir koşulda Omitting yapılmaz!

That vs. Which & Who vs. Whom

1 – Non-Defining (Virgüllü) clauselarda “that” asla kullanılmaz.

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

We went to Paris, which is a nice city.

I called our teacher, who is very kind.

2 – Preposition ardından “that ve who” asla kullanılmaz.

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

A preposition is a terrible thing with which one can not omit pronoun.

I’m looking for somebody with whom I am going to dance.


who = he = with he ✘

whom = him = with him ✔

3 – Nesne belirten belgisiz zamirlerden sonra “which” kullanılmaz.

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

I will try everything (that) I can.

There is nothing that is impossible.

4- Nesne belirten Superlative yapılardan sonra “which” kullanılmaz.

Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

What was the worst car (that) you’ve ever owned and why?

What is the most interesting story that can be told in a classroom?


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