Modal Verbs with Be


Be able to

Yetenek bildiren yardımcı fiildir ve genelde bir uğraş sonucu yapılabilen eylemlerle kullanılır. Bu yardımcı fiil “can” kullanamadığımız yerde yetenek anlamı vermek için sıkça kullanılır. 

Modal Verbs with Be (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 1 sv20993 521509290

They will can search the area for us!

They will be able to search the area for us!

Be able to Present Kullanımı

am/is/are able to

have/has been able to

Modal Verbs with Be (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 1 sv20993 521509290

What is so special about Marnie is that she is able to articulate her emotions by painting.

Be able to Past Kullanımı

was/were able to

had been able to

Modal Verbs with Be (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 1 sv20993 521509290

After a few days, my dog was able to handle his needs with almost no barking.


Past kullanımda olumlu olarak could ile aralarında anlam farkı vardır.

Modal Verbs with Be (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 1 sv20993 521509290

They were able to answer all the questions correctly.

( Those were the spesific questions that were answered correctly, and that was a success for them. We call it Past Achievement)


They could answer all the questions correctly.

(Those were the students that always answered correctly, and that was usual for them. We call it General Ability in the Past.)

Be able to Future Kullanımı

will be able to

am/is/are going to be able to

Modal Verbs with Be (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 5 sv20993 521509290

No country is going to be able to absorb all the terror soon.

The food is gross here! I don’t think we will be able to eat for another week!

Be to & Be due to
Be supposed to & Be expected to

Beklenti bildiren yardımcı fiillerdir ve “Ought to” ile aynı anlamı taşırlar. “Be to” diğerlerine göre daha kesin bir yargıdan bahsederken kullanılır.

Be to & Be due to
Be supposed to & Be expected to

Present Kullanımları

am/is/are to + V1

am/is/are due to + V1

am/is/are supposed to + V1

am/is/are expected to + V1

Modal Verbs with Be (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 5 sv20993 521509290

We are to start work at 8.15.

We are due to start work at 8.15.

We are supposed to start work at 8.15.

We are expected to start work at 8.15.

Be to & Be due to
Be supposed to & Be expected to

Past Kullanımı

was/were to + V1

was/were due to + V1

was/were supposed to + V1

was/were expected to + V1

Bu kullanım genelde geçmişte gerçekleşmesi beklenen fakat gerçekleşmediği cümlenin devamında belirtilen durumlarda mevcuttur.

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A married couple stole thousands from a 98-year-old woman they were supposed to care for.

Be used to

be used to + Noun

be used to + Ving

Farklı zamanlarla “be” fiilinin değişimiyle uygulanabilen bu yapı “used to + V1” dan farklı anlama sahiptir. Özne o duruma “alışkındır”.

Modal Verbs with Be (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 5 sv20993 521509290

Animals in the zoo are used to people.

( They don’t have any trouble with them.)

She was used to getting what she wanted.

( She didn’t have any trouble with it.)

She used to get what she wanted.

(She did it regularly in the past, but now she doesn’t)

Be about to

Be about to + V1

Eylemin çok yakın zamanda gerçekleşmesi beklenir. Vurgu katmak için “just” ile sık kullanılır. Eylemin gerçekleşeceği veya gerçekleştiği sonucu çıkmaz.

Modal Verbs with Be (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 5 sv20993 521509290

They are just about to set off for a walk.

(Eylem gerçekleşmek üzere)

They were about to set off for a walk when the landlord came.

(Eylem gerçekleşmek üzereydi)

Be likely to

Be likely to + V1

Olması muhtemel eylemler için kullanılır.

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Smokers are likely to have a heart attack.

( Olması muhtemel )

Be bound to

am/is/are bound to + V1

Gelecekte olması kaçınılmaz olarak düşünülen eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılır.

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A platform as massive as Instagram is bound to have some confusion around its features and functionality.

(It is certain or very likely to happen)

Be willing to

am/is/are willing to + V1

was/were willing to + V1

İstekli olmak anlamında kullanılır.

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NASA is willing to pay $100’000 to stay in bed for 60 days.

Be reluctant to
Be unwilling to

be reluctant to + V1

be unwilling to + V1

Farklı zamanlarla “be” fiilinin değişimiyle uygulanabilen bu iki yapı da isteksizlik bildirir.

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If the police is reluctant to register the case, you may file a private complaint.

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk may be unwilling to be among the first people on Mars, but he wants to get there eventually.

Modal Verbs with Be
Genel Kurallar

“Be” yardımcı fiiliyle başlayan bu modallardan bazıları “am/is/are/was/were” e dönüşmelerinin yanında “can/may/must vb.” modallarla yanyana kullanılabilmektelerdir.

Modal Verbs with Be (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 5 sv20993 521509290

Nobody can be expected to do the impossible.

Teachers must be used to standing for long periods of time.

He has to be willing to fight against leukaemia.

Modal Verbs with Be
Çıkmış Sorular

Aşağıda bulunan Modal Verbs with Be isimli interaktif testte Modal Verbs with Be konusu ile ilgili YDS – YÖKDİL – YDT sınavlarında sorulmuş sorular ve her sorunun çözümüne dair ipuçları bulunmaktadır. Konuya çalıştıktan sonra testteki cevaplarınıza göre soruyu nasıl çözmeniz gerektiği ile ilgili detaylı açıklamalar bulabileceksiniz.


Modal Verbs with Be (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) • (C1 - C2)
Modal Verbs with Be (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 15 Modal Verbs with Be YDS YOKDIL YDT

Modal Verbs with Be konusunda yer alan kipler anlamlarıyla seçenek elemek veya doğru seçeneği tespit etmek için çok işe yarayan yapılardır.

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Kurs Modu: Online

Ders Yoğunluğu: PT3H

Kurs Türü: Free

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