Paired Conjunctions


Paired Conjunctions

Adından da anlaşılacağı üzere çift olarak kullanılan bağlaçlardır. Kendi içinde farklı kullanımları vardır. Aşağıda örnekleri ile birlikte çift olarak kullanılan bağlaçlar açıklanacaktır.

Paired Conjunctions

İki aynı tür kelimeyi bağlar. Cümleye olumsuzluk katmaz. Öznede kullanılmışsa fiil çoğul kullanılır.

Paired Conjunctions (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 1 sv20993 521509290

In Islam, both men and women have the right to own property, engage in business, and inherit from others.


I have both studied and worked in this field for several years now.


Cigar consumption, both this year and next year, is expected to be about 6 billion, slightly less than last year.

(Time Adverbs)

Anyone knows how seriously Paypal take security and with their automatic fraud screening and Seller Protection Policy, they keep both me and you safe.


Paired Conjunctions

İki kısımda da verdiği anlam olumsuz değildir. Özne olarak kullanılmışsa fiile yakın olan özneye göre seçim yapılır.

Paired Conjunctions (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

Not only my boss but also my colleagues know where I am and they’re expecting me back.


Not only my colleagues but also my boss knows where I am and they’re expecting me back.


Fashionology involves the study of the social context in which fashion is not only produced but also consumed.


As a baby, you are completely at the mercy of the environment not only physically but mentally.


This reputed publishing company brings out not only books but also three research journals on behalf of well-known academic institutions.


Not only … but (also) cümleleri de bağlayabilir. İki cümle bağlanıyorsa ve not only cümle başındaysa ilk cümle devrik olur.

Paired Conjunctions (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

Not only has he lied, but he (also) stole the money.

(Dependent Clauses)

“Also” yerine cümle sonunda olmak koşuluyla “as well” de kullanılabilir.

Paired Conjunctions (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

Not only has he lied, but he stole the money as well.

(Dependent Clauses)

Paired Conjunctions

Cümlede olumsuz yardımcı fiil olmadan olumsuz anlam oluşur. Cümlede özne olarak kullanılmışsa fiile yakın özneye göre fiil seçimi yapılır.

Paired Conjunctions (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

Neither students nor the teacher sees what is going on here.


Neither the teacher nor students see what is going on here.


Fast food is neither delicious nor healthy.

Fast food is not* delicious, nor healthy.


This man seemed to have a hard skin; he neither cried nor spoke.


As I am studying for university entrance exam, I watch neither movies nor TV shows.


* önceki cümle olumsuzsa “nor” tek başına kullanılabilir.

Paired Conjunctions
EITHER ....... OR

Cümleye olumsuzluk anlamı katmaz. “Ya …. ya da…” biçiminde alternatif sunar. Cümlede özne olarak kullanılmışsa fiile yakın özneye göre fiil seçimi yapılır.

Paired Conjunctions (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

I hate Johnny because he keeps insisting that either you or she is to blame for his stubbornness.


I hate Johnny because he keeps insisting that either she or you are to blame for his stubbornness


Are you one of those people who eats egg either fried or boiled all the time?


Jounalists who uncover corruption are either imprisoned or exiled in underdeveloped countries.


If you’re interested in pursuing your degree in either music or music therapy, visit our degrees and programs to learn more about our academic offerings.



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