Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses


Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses


Defining Relative Clause için yan cümlenin tanımı önemlidir ve gerekli bilgi verir. Cümleden çıkarsa anlam bozulur

Non Defining Relative Clause için ise yan cümlenin tanımı fazladan bilgidir. Cümlede olmaması anlamı bozmaz.

Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 1 sv20993 521509290

Have you met my brother who is an engineer?

(I have at least 2 brothers, and one of them is an engineer.)

Have you been to Eiffel Tower, which is in Paris?

(There is just one Eiffel Tower, and it is in Paris)


Defining Relative Clause gerekli bilgi olduğu için cümlede virgül kullanılmaz.

Non Defining Relative Clause için ise yan cümlenin tanımı fazladan bilgi olduğu için virgül kullanılır.

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The conversation was about the theatre that was closed in 2007.

Christopher Marlowe was a contemporary of Shakespeare, who was born on or near April 23, 1564.


Defining Relative Clause kullanılırken tanımlanan isimler genellikle belirsiz olup cümleyle anlam kazanır. Bu cümlelerde Relative Clause “Which” sorusuna cevap niteliği taşır.

Non Defining Relative Clause kullanımında ise tanımlanan isimler emsalsiz veya önceden tanımlanmıştır. Bu cümleler için “Which” sorusunu sorma ihtiyacı duyulmaz.

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Did you see the woman who was carrying those heavy boxes?

(Which woman?)

Our boss, who is the real decision-maker, is going to be in our office tomorrow.


Defining Relative Clause kullanılırken uygun koşullar sağlandığında (Relative Pronoun Object ise) yan cümlede eksiltme (Omitting) yapılabilir.

Non Defining Relative Clause kullanımında ise yan cümlede asla eksiltme yapılmaz!

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I hope all the students who / that I am teaching will be studying ELT next year.

I hope all the students I am teaching will be studying ELT next year.

Scientists will soon hold the first workshop to identify sites on Mars, which astronauts have been examining for years.


Defining Relative Clause kullanılırken tanımlanan isme ve bu ortak öğrenin yan cümledeki pozisyonuna uygun Rel. Pr. veya Rel. Adv. kullanılabilir.

Non Defining Relative Clause ile yan cümlede asla that kullanılmaz!

Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

The countries which / that are poorer are simply the countries where the people are lazier.

Turkey, which is located in Anatolia, borders the Black Sea between Bulgaria and Georgia and also borders the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea between Greece and Syria.


Defining Relative Clause kullanılan bir cümlede “Which” sadece kendinden önceki ismi tanımlar ve yan cümlenin fiili daima bu isme göre belirlenir.

Non Defining Relative Clause kullanımında ise “Which” kendinden önceki tüm cümleyi tanımlayabilir, bu sebeple yan cümlenin fiili tüm cümleyi nitelediği durumlarda tekil kullanılır.

Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

I forgot writing the reports which are very disappointing for me.

(The reports are disappointing)

I forgot writing the reports, which is very disappointing for me.

(The fact that I forgot writing the reports is disappointing )

Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses

Miktar belirleyiciler sadece Non Defining Relative Clauselarla kullanılırlar.

Sayısı bildirilen insanlar için

of whom

Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

It is a tribute to an entire generation. Many of them are still alive today.

It is a tribute to an entire generation, many of whom are still alive today.

Cansız varlıklar ve hayvanlar için

of which

Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

There are different species of tuna. Few of them are critically endangered.

There are different species of tuna, few of which are critically endangered.

Aitlik durumunda

of whose

Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

They have built large office towers. Much of their space is leased to the companies.

They have built large office towers, much of whose space is leased to the companies.


Quantifier Relative Clause içinde özne pozisyonunda kullanıldıysa yan cümlede fiil seçimi miktar belirleyicilere göre yapılır.

Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

They have built large office towers, much of whose space is leased to the companies.


They have built large office towers, one of whose rooms is leased to the companies.

(Countable & Singular)

They have built large office towers, many of whose rooms are leased to the companies.

(Countable & Plural)

Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses for Stress

Yan cümleler bazen tanımlama amacının yanında vurgu katmak için de kullanılır.

Defining-Non Defining Relative Clauses (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 11 sv20993 521509290

You yelled at my girlfriend.

It was my girlfriend who you yelled at.

We are going on holiday in August.

It is August when we are going on holiday.


Cepte İngilize Yazarı

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