Adverbial Clauses of Manner & Comparison


Subordinating Conjunctions Manner & Comparison

just as
as + adj / adv + as

(in) the way 
as if
as though
more (-er) / less + adj / adv + than

how / as / (in) the way

“Gibi” anlamında kullanılan bu yapılar bu anlamı kendilerinden sonra cümle aldıklarında sağlarlar.

Adverbial Clauses of Manner & Comparison (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 1 sv20993 521509290

Write the answer as you wish.

Write the answer how I do.

Write the answer in the way I do.

Dikkat: “like” bu anlamda kullanılır fakat arkasından cümle alamaz.

Just as

“As” bağlacı vurgulu olarak “tıpkı” anlamıyla just ile birlikte kullanılabilir. 

Adverbial Clauses of Manner & Comparison (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

Just as the blind do not possess the physical ability to see, the depressed lose the ability to see reason and logic.

Everything was amazing just as we had expected.

Dikkat: “While” bu anlamda “just as” yerine kullanılamaz.

As if / As though

Genellikle act / appear / behave / feel / look / seem / smell fillerinin ardından kullanılan bu yapılar iki farklı şekilde yapılırlar.

1- REAL (sanki / gibi)

Adverbial Clauses of Manner & Comparison (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

He looks as if he has a problem. Let’s try to find out what it is.

2- UNREAL (-mış gibi)

Adverbial Clauses of Manner & Comparison (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

He looks as if he had a problem. However, he is happier than ever.

Dikkat!:  Unreality varsa bahsedilen zamanın bir derece pastı kullanılır.

as if + V1

Cümleler ortak özne içerdiği zaman “as if” arkasından “to + V1” alabilir.

Adverbial Clauses of Manner & Comparison (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

He lifted his hand as if he were going to carry out some deliberate action.

He lifted his hand as if to carry out some deliberate action.

Dikkat: “As though” bu yapıyla kullanılmaz.

as + adj / adv + as
more (-er) / less + adj / adv + than

Karşılaştırma yapılarının ardından cümle geldiğinde zarf cümleciğine dönüşürler.

Adverbial Clauses of Manner & Comparison (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

Human rights apply at sea as equally as they do on land.

In the end, you made it less unlikely than you had previously thought.

Prepositional Phrases of Manner & Comparison

the same (noun) as
as + adj / adv + as

as *
similar to
different from
more (-er) / less + adj / adv + than

Adverbial Clauses of Manner & Comparison (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

I am working as* a teacher.

You should be studying hard like your teacher.

You should be studying hard as your teacher does.

*Dikkat!: As isim aldığında “like” ile farklı anlama sahip olur.

Transitions of Comparison

Similarly / In the same way

By the same token



İlk bağımsız cümle neden bildirir, ikinci bağımsız cümlenin ise sonuç olması gerekir.

Adverbial Clauses of Manner & Comparison (YDS-YÖKDİL-YDT) 2 sv20993 521509290

In the event of hostilities elsewhere, “United States forces in Korea will have to sink or swim on their own,” the report says; similarly, army forces in Panama or Alaska “cannot be reinforced or supported” in the event of a war in Europe.

All the procedures may not apply to a given situation. They may require modification or supplementation to meet the needs of a particular case, likewise.


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